Dear Fellow Parents,

When Jennifer and I started going through the anxious process of finding full time child care for Vivian, I kept looking for a center that was going to get them as prepared as possible for school.  Fortunately, I was surrounded by very wise people and a patient wife.  Through the process, I discovered that we were looking for a center that we trusted to provide a safe environment.  With that safe environment, does the staff Agape Love the children.  In our family, we believe the highest form of Love is an intentional act of selfless giving to another.  It’s not always fun, and it usually isn’t easy, but it is for us the best kind of love.   We quickly concluded that Growing Kidz delivered safety and Agape Love in spades.  Over the years, we have bear witness to this time and time again.  The interesting thing is that when you have a committed staff providing Agape Love to your most precious things, everything else seems to fall in place. From Hannah and her group being cuddle bugs to Ms. Anita introducing creepy crawlers, there are countless moments that the entire staff have brought fulfillment and joy to my heart through all the wonderful things they have done with my children.  I would be remiss to say there haven’t been a few tough times, but again, a staff that offers Agape Love ultimately commits to making sure our children get what they need. 

For those of you looking for the practical angle. I can say my daughter entered Kindergarten with above average scores on her state testing. She also received Special Spartan of the Month as a result of specific acts of good character. I know that was in large part due to the expectations and environment created from Growing Kidz.  Growing Kids recognized some areas that my son needed help.  As a result, we have seen marked improvement. 

We can talk about child/teacher ratio, teaching structure, or whatever else, but I have found time and time again it’s all in the staffs’ desire to be there and positively effecting your child’s development. We were incredibly blessed to have found and be a part of a staff that delivers that from beginning all the way through PreK.


 Drew Martins

aka: Vivian’s and Jacob’s Dad