health policy & procedure

The inclusion or exclusion of a child due to illness will be based on whether there are adequate facilities and faculty available to meet the needs of both the ill child and the other children in the group.

When a child is not feeling well but is able to participate in a group activity in a normal routine and is not contagious throughout the day, they will not be excluded due to illness.

CDC Procedure When a Child Becomes Ill at School

When a chid is unable to participate in the normal routine due to illness OR they are running a fever they need to be at home.

  • A parent will be called when a child begins to run a temperature or becomes ill and is unable to participate in the normal routine and disposition is affected.
  • A parent or an authorized person (that the parents have given permission) will need to come and pick up their child within an hour of the phone call letting you know your child is sick or running a temp.
  • It is important that children, with a fever, be evaluated by their health care provider for inclusion back into the program because a fever may be due to a communicable or serious illness.
  • The CDC will need a note from your child’s Doctor stating that your child is not contagious so that they may return to the Center.
  • Children who have had a serious illness or communicable disease need to be fever free OR symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.

If you, the parent or guardian, are unable to come within the hour , please arrange for another “authorized” person to come and pick up your sick child.  Your child will not be released to another person unless you have given the teacher permission.  They will need to show their I.D.

Please make sure you have another “authorized” person that can help you in this time of need or an updated Emergency card that gives the name and phone number of someone the teachers can call if they cannot get in touch with you.  The “authorized” person will need to be aware that they are the Emergency Contact if you are unavailable and a note on file that states anytime they come, they are allowed to take your child.

The CDC strives to maintain a healthy environment for all the children in our care.  We follow every DHS and Health Department requirements for all the children in our facility.  We go above and beyond many of the requirements in order to stop the spread of disease.

It must be a TEAM effort between the Center and the parents in order to assure as healthy an environment as we possibly can.

Specific policies used by the CDC faculty to determine exclusion are found in “Model Child Health Care Policies” and “Healthy Young Children,” by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and “Health Handbook for Child Care Settings” from Tulsa City County Health Department.

Every child’s case will be evaluated and determined on an individual basis!